Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Allegory with Wolf and Eagle" by Leonardo 1515

"Allegory with Wolf and Eagle" by Leonardo Da Vinci 1515. "Savonarolan Prophecy in Leonardo's Allegory with Wolf and Eagle" - I am unable to copy the text but it says that this drawing represents the allegory of a wolf ( in sheep`s clothing) at the helm of the ship of the church heading for world power as the eagle with the crown. It is Leonardo`s criticism of the 1rst Medici pope Leo X for whom he was working at the time.

Mary Magdalene by Leonardo Da Vinci

Mast as Oak Tree

Myth: Tree of Endurance and Triumph. Tree of Shepherds. Because of its deep roots the oak ... Hercules carried an oak club because oak provides mast... Oak heroes include Ixion, Atlas, Hercules and Telamon. Hercules carried an oak club because oak provides mast. Herculean symbols include the acorn, ... (Compare these oak trees to the tree-mast in the Da Vinci drawing below).

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Masonic Signature on a Window

Note the helm included in this Masonic signature on a stained glass window.

Waxing and Waning Moon

Italian Wolf (Canis Lupus Italicus)compare to the wolf in the boat drawn by Leonardo below. The wolf as a symbol of the moon.
Moonphase gold rose Bulgari watch. Waxing Crescent, Full Moon, Waning Crescent. Examine the crescent formed by the tail of the wolf and the corresponding crescent carved into the rim of the boat - they form the back to back crescent moons design (below).

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rare Leonardo Da Vinci Drawings

Leonardo made the drawing of the young woman in his old age. "Wraithlike, half smiling and mysteriously pointing, the woman sums up all the strange magic of the artist".

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Faroe Islands Tabernacle Sunburst

The gold sunburst from the tabernacle in Toshavn - Faroe Islands.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Resurrection

This gesture of pointing upwards is Leonardo Da Vinci`s way of expressing his belief in the Resurrection.